Articles scientifiques

Ci-dessous une liste d’articles scientifiques et de publications techniques publiés récemment par des membres du Réseau Hautes Pressions. Si vous souhaitez partager vos dernières publications sur ce site, n’hésitez pas à contacter Sylvie Demouchy.




Solana-Madruga, E., Arevalo-Lopez, A. M., 2022. High-pressure A-site manganites : Structures and magnetic properties. Journal of Solid State Chemistry,


Saad, H., Douillard, T., Malchère, A., Steyer, P., Meille, S., Deville, S., Reynard, B. 2022 Toughening mechanisms in nacre-like alumina revealed by in-situ imaging of stress. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 42, 6757–6761.


Langlois, P. 2022. Assemblages frettés. Les Techniques de l’Ingénieur, BM5500


Iacomi P., Alabarse F.G., Appleyard R., Lemaire T., Thessieu C., Wang S., Serre C., Maurin G., Yot P.G. 2022. Structural insight of MOFs under combined mechanical and adsorption stimuliAngewandte Chemie – International Edition, Vol. 61 – 22, p. e202201924
doi : 10.1002/anie.202201924


Paliwoda, D., Fabbiani, M., Wynn, M., Alabarse, F., Rosenthal, A., Crichton, W., Konczewicz, L., Bockowski, M., Maurin, D., Michel, T., Demirci, U. B.,  Rouquette, J., Hermet, P., di Renzo,F.,  van der Lee, A., Cassabois, G., Bernard, S., Haines, J. 2022. Preparation of confined one-dimensional boron nitride chains in the 1‑D pores of siliceous zeolites under high-pressure, high-temperature conditions, Inorganic Chemistry 61, 18059−18066


Pozza, A, Giraud, F, Cece, Q, Casiraghi, M, Point, E, Damian, M, Le Bon, C, Moncoq K, Banères JL, Lescop E, Catoire LJ. 2022 Exploration of the dynamic interplay between lipids and membrane proteins by hydrostatic pressure. Nature Communication, 13(1):1780. doi : 10.1038/s41467-022-29410-5.

Boccato, S., Gauthier, M., Siersch, N.C., Parisiades, P., Garino, Y., Ayrinhac, S., Balugani, S., Bretonnet, C., Delétang, T., Guillot, M., Verbeke, K., Decremps, F., Guarnelli, Y., Morand, M., Rosier, P., Zhao B., Antonangeli, D., 2022. 
Picosecond acoustics : a new way to access elastic properties of materials at pressure and temperature conditions of planetary interiors, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 49, 20, doi : 10.1007/s00269-022-01194-6


Ayrinhac, S., Gauthier, M., Morand, M., Garino, Y., Boccato, S., Decremps, F., Parisiades, P., Rosier, P., Siersch, N.C., Seghour, A., Antonangeli, D., 2022. Determination of indium melting curve at high pressure by picosecond acousticsPhys. Rev. Materials 6, 063403 (2022) DOI 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.6.063403


Osselin, F., Pichavant, M., Champallier, R., Ulrich, M., Raimbourg, H., 2022. Reactive transport experiments of coupled carbonation and serpentinization in a natural serpentinite. Implication for hydrogen production and carbon geological storage. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Gay J.P., Ledoux, E., Krug, M., Chantel, J., Pakhomova, A., Liermann, H.-P., Sanchez-Valle, C., Merkel, S., 2023. Transformation microstructures in pyrolite under stress : Implications for anisotropy in subducting slabs below the 660 km discontinuity, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 604, 118015, 

doi : 10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118015




Cario, A., Larzilliere, M., Nguyen, O., Alain, K., Marre, S., High-pressure microfluidics for ultra-fast microbial phenotypingFrontiers in Microbiology 13 (2022) 866681


S. Boccato, Y. Garino, G. Morard, B. Zhao, F. Xu, C. Sanloup, A. King, N. Guignot, A. Clark, G. Garbarino, M. Morand, D. Antonangeli, AMORPHEUS : a python based software for the treatment of amorphous and liquid x-ray scattering data. High Pressure Research 42(1), 1.25 (2022)




Alabarse, F. G., Polisi, M., Fabbiani, M., Quartieri, S., Arletti, R., Joseph, B., Capitani, F., Contreras, S., Konczewicz, L., Rouquette, J., Alonso, B., Di Renzo, F., Zambotti, G., Baù, M., Ferrari, M., Ferrari, V., Ponzoni, A., Santoro, M., Haines, J., 2021. High Pressure Synthesis and Gas Sensing Tests of 1-D Polymer/Aluminophosphate Nanocomposites. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 13, 27237−27244.


Han, Z.F, Mauger, C., Chaise, T., Elguedj, T., Arrigoni, T.M., El Hajem, M., Boisson, N., 2021. Experimental and Analytical Study of under Water Pressure Wave Induced by the Implosion of a Bubble Generated by Focused Laser, Sensors21(14), 480 ; doi : 10.3390/s21144800.


Jolivet V., Morizet Y., Hamon J., Paris M., Suzuki T., 2021. The influence of iodide on glass transition temperature of high-pressure nuclear waste glasses. J. Am. Cer. Soc. 104, 1360-1369.


Koemets E., Leonov, I., Bykov, M., Bykova, E., Chariton, S., Aprilis, G., Fedotenko, T., Clément, S.,  Rouquette, J., Haines, J., Cerantola, V., Glazyrin, K., McCammon, C., Prakapenka, V.B.,  Hanfland, M., Liermann, H.-P., Svitlyk, V.,  Torchio, R., Rosa, A.D., Irifune, T., Ponomareva, A.V., Abrikosov, I.A., Dubrovinskaia, N., Dubrovinsky, L., 2021. Revealing the Complex Nature of Bonding in the Binary High-Pressure Compound FeO2Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 106001.


Moarefvand, A., Gasc, J., Fauconnier, J., Baïsset, M., Burdette, E., Labrousse, L., Schubnel, A., 2021. A new generation Griggs apparatus with active acoustic monitoring. Tectonophysics, 816, 229032. doi : 10.1016/j.tecto.2021.229032


Morizet, Y., Hamon, J., La, C., Jolivet, V., Suzuki-Muresan T., Paris, M., 2021. Immobilization of 129I in nuclear waste glass matrixes synthesized under high-pressure conditions : an experimental study, J. Mater. Chem. A, pp. doi : 10.1039/d1ta05011g.


Samae V., CordierC., Demouchy, S., Bollinger C., GascJ., Koizumi S., Mussi A., Schryvers, D., and Idrissi H., (2021) Stress-induced amorphization triggers deformation in the lithospheric mantle. Nature. 591, 82-86.


Tartère, J., Arrigoni, M., Nême, A., Groenevelf, H., Ven der Veen, S., 2021. PVDF Based Pressure Sensor for the Characterisation of the Mechanical Loading during High Explosive Hydro Forming of Metal Plates, Sensors21(13), 4429 ; doi : 10.3390/s21134429


Aguilar-Tapia, A., Ould-chikh, S., Lahera, E., Prat, A., Delnet, W., Proux, O., Kieffer, I., Basset, J.-M., Takanabe, K., Hazemann, J.L., 2018. A new high temperature reactor for operando XAS : Application for the dry reforming of methane over Ni/ZrO2 catalyst. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 035109,


Klotz, S., Baptiste, B., Hattori, T., Feng, S.M., Jin, Ch., Beneut, K., Guigner, J.M., Esteve, I., 2021. Synthesis and characterisation of a new graphitic C-S compound obtained by high pressure decomposition of CS2, Carbon 185, 491